A New Chapter

Hello Beautiful Creatures,

Connecting with Nature by Anushka Dhanapala

Connecting with Nature by Anushka Dhanapala

Just a quick post to let you all know that I have moved over to my new website http://www.anushkadhanapala.com I’m looking forward to getting into my blogging grove and seeing where this new space might lead.

I’m still in the process of perfecting it. But lets be honest, there is no such thing as perfection. At least in my world.

Finding my Creature still sings to my soul and you will see a lot of elements of it in my new online time capsule. As for my old space, I wouldn’t be surprised if it gets revamped and reshaped into a something new. You never know where the magic of finding ones creature will lead.

Please come and say hi. I look forward to hearing about your journey and discovering new blogs along the way.

Love and light,

Anushka xx