The Very Inspiring Blog Award



November. Where did you go? I come away from the experience that is NaNoWriMo with gratitude. I am grateful for so many things, especially the wonderful writers who took part in my NaNoCreature segment!  So this award goes out to all of you.

 If anyone reading this is a writer or in anyway interested in the art that is playing with words – or cutting them – you should go give Ayesha Schroeder’s blog a stalk and follow her! 

Thank you Ayesha for the nomination 🙂

Below are the rules for the Very Inspiring Blog Award so please follow carefully: (I’m tweaking things slightly)

1. Display the award logo on your blog.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. State 7 things about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.
5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.


  1. I was born in Sri Lanka and left when I was three months old and lived in Jamaica and Honduras before moving to Australia when I was three.
  2. Spanish was my first language, but when I moved to Australia I had to learn English and lost my ability to speak it. A waste I know…but no one wanted to be my friend!
  3. I hate bananas, yet I always find myself ordering banana flavored things and instantly regretting it. Maybe I’m more optimistic than I realise and believe deep down that one day the banana will not let me down. Or maybe I think a banana milkshake might actually taste like chocolate one day.
  4. I love taking long walks in graveyards but  I’m too chicken to do this at night.  Maybe if someone else wanted to come with me and indulge my morbid fascination I would reconsider. Until that happy day, safety first. 
  5. I am to this day, afraid of Sylar from Heros even though I haven’t watched that show in years.
  6. My favorite show in the WORLD is Xena Warrior Princess. I am told on a regular basis not to say that in public.
  7. When I was younger I wanted to grow up to be a pineapple.  A few years later I told my mum I was going to be a seagull and promptly began constructing wings with a white blanket. (I guess that makes me an unusual child?)


Vikki from The View Outside

Kirsten Bolda from A Scenic Route

Amanda Martin from WriterMummy

Sara Flower

Joe Hinojosa

Jane Ayres from The Beautiful Room

Thank you everyone for being wonderfully inspiring!

Love and light,

Anushka xx

13 thoughts on “The Very Inspiring Blog Award

  1. How sweet of you to think of me! You inspire me too. What a pretty badge! It will look great on my sidebar. 🙂

    Sylar always gave me the creeps as well. Someday I’ll rent the rest of those episodes, and hope that he meets his just reward.

  2. Thank you so much for nominating me!!!! I had to read it twice to check – that is so lovely. 🙂
    I also loved Xena Warrior Princess – brilliant stuff. Also have to confess that Sylar was my favourite character in Heroes – complex and sexy. Ok, he was a very bad baddie, so maybe I shouldn’t admit to this. Zachary Quinto was a wonderful Spock I thought. Gorgeous actor!

  3. Pingback: Beautiful + Inspiring…GO ME! | The View Outside

  4. Pingback: Very Inspiring Blogger Award « writermummy

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